Sunday, June 5, 2011

DAUGHTERS OF CHINA By Dr. Saleem Wahid Saleem: Translation by Dr Shahzad Rizvi

By Dr. Saleem Wahid Saleem

English translation by Dr. Shahzad Rizvi

Daughters of China
Their beauty like the first ray of dawn
Their faces symbols of valour and brilliance
Their shapely bodies slung with rifles

Whether it be the parade ground or the battlefield
They are single-minded about their objective
Beauty of tresses or slim waist has no meaning for them
They have no use for silk or finery
They honour mountains and deserts by treading on them
They are symbols of perfection and souls of action
Their love is duty and they are fond of their uniforms
Though believed to be members of the "delicate gender"
They conduct themselves like the bravest of men

//Note: Some liberties have been taken to make sense in English//

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